High School Football Coach Fired After Asking Team To Work Out And Lift Weights In Offseason

Sounds like there could be underlying reasons for the dismissal. Every reference to a meeting with someone is resulting in a disagreement. Maybe he was just an a$$hat and no one wants to deal with a .500 a$$hat.
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I bet Uncle Junior wouldn’t complain about the off season lifting. Probably why Tony never had the makings of a varsity athlete- he didn’t lift in the off season.

And another public school advantage- no lifting in the off season.
Woke up this morning
Not gonna work my guns
I was called into a meeting and was told my expectations were too much for a small Group 1 school. That I would be a better fit at a Group 4 or a parochial (school). And they didn’t want to make that commitment.”
Would any 1A or 2A school in Illinois talk like this?
Parents said he was unapproachable : code for he was going to be in charge and parents didn’t like it.