CCL Frosh Soph Scores

I think the last 10 years with numbers being what they are, teams are just happy to get their kids games regardless of how you label it.

I have seen some things like Leo JV vs Rita Frosh. Or a team that has a soph team playing against a true JV team that may have juniors (and even seniors) who don't play much on varsity. Overall, I think most programs are happy to just to have a game for their lower levels regardless of the technicality. I know it used to be frosh vs frosh and soph vs soph at all the bigger programs. But now I feel like "JV" is more widespread than "soph."

I think it makes more sense to play frosh and varsity Friday and then JV Saturday or Monday so programs can add the juniors/seniors who didn't play Friday to the list of sophomore to get a more inclusive JV game.
Lines have blurred on what JV is in the historical sense.
Each school does it differently. As you get closer to the playoffs, you’ll see more kids moving up to get them ready. You can only play 4 quarters a week now, so sometimes you’ll see a player play two quarters on sophs and two on varsity. But not often.
That is correct. DP has used this approach this season to add depth when injuries occurred.