45-42 Tolo mid-to-late 4Q

Althoff was unprepared for the onside ... got lucky it went out of bounds.

Ball at the 38 .... some Mama sure wants the Rockets to "GET HIM!!!!" "We need some D!) I am sure you do, lady!

Dropped pass has been a good play for Tolono ... followed up by the cheer chicks: Butterfingers (clap clap clap-clap-clap) Butterfingers!

Interception! Mama all about that O now ....
After Refs agreed to a quarter cut of the 50/50, DPI on Althoff ... ball at 31.

The unmanned NFHS cam can give you whiplash ...

Love seeing the folks in side-by-sides and golf carts ringing the field with coolers.

Number 8 makes a snag at the three!

25 for the ground score - 28-21 lat in the half.

Total pandemonium!
Tolo converts on 4th at the 30. First down. Late 3q, tied.

TFL, Pass OOB, Pass first down.

Pass to the endzone ... NO GOOD! Second down.

Scramble and throw away. Third down.

Pass complete, no yards. Kicker assumes the position .... it's GOOD!!!!!

The natives are going wild! Eighty-cent Busch Lites at the Elks Club for the rest of the night!
Dierre drags their D-line eight yards = first down at the 41.

Ellington has his pass batted - almost picked.

Dierre needs to stop deeking - just shit and get! They will not catch you.

First down at the 28. Dierre takes it from there.

Beers back to full price.

Althoff Up 42-38 8:00 4Q