How about the Big 10?

Originally posted by Gaelman:

Yes I DID bring race in to it because it happens to the reason "your teams" are successful.

I don't care what the reason is. As a matter of fact I don't pay attention to a person's skin color like you do. If that is the reason, then what is the reason the Big 10 doesn't do as well as the SEC in football?

George Wallace may be dead but the south remains as bigoted as it ever was EXCEPT on the football field.

This is comical. So, you're telling me and the entire board that things in the south are exactly the same as they were, say in 1850? Is that what you're saying? How many times have you even been south of the Mason-Dixon line? That isn't denial or hypocrisy, it's plain ignorance.

Here is the difference in my criticism of the Big 10 and yours of the SEC. To you, it's personal.

Laughable. I'm an ND backer. I'm happy when they win but don't cry like a child when they lose or try to find excuses.

No one said you were a Big 10 backer. I am talking about the Big 10 and SEC and yes it is personal to many Big 10 fans and I will add to you too.

Of course the SEC has been dominant but there's a huge asterisk in my mind.
And yes it has to do with race---sorry but those are the facts Jack.

Please refer to answer above.

I further understand that we were talking about the best conference. The Big 10 doesn't even belong in the conversation.

I'm sure not in your mind, but as others have posted here education should be the first priority.
When you factor that in the equation, the SEC doesn't even belong in the conversation.

Sorry to inform you, this conversation and thread was strictly about football. It happens to be YOUR crowd who always tries to change the subject to try and cover up their ineptitude on the field. That is a classic head fake on their part. We are talking about play on the field and you know it.

I'll quote ex-Bear kicker Kevin Butler from Georgia on the topic.
When asked about the recruiting process and why he picked the Bulldogs over the superior academics at Vanderbilt, his reply was
"when I visited there they told me I'd actually have to go to class."

When exactly did Kevin Butler become a voice for the SEC? Brilliant man to quote.

I don't like the SEC attitude but acknowledge they produce some good football teams.
You don't like the Big 10 and apparently are unwilling to admit that can also play some pretty good football.

Well there you go. You said it not me. You don't like the SEC other words it's personal. I will say once again, I think Big 10 football is boring. There are three good teams and that's it. Go back and see how many times I have said that now. Now if I am saying there are three good teams am I not acknowledging there is some good football there? With those three teams there is. But that's where it ends.

If Ohio State beating invincible Alabama with their third string QB doesn't convince you, then nothing will.

I gave Ohio State credit and will continue to give them credit. But they also happen to be one of those three teams I spoke of. Is that good enough for you?
Never been south of the Mason-Dixon line?
Apparently if you have you've done so with blinders on.
I've been there done that.
I've seen segregation up close and personal.
Separate water fountains, washrooms, no service at lunch counters etc etc.
You dismiss that with a click of your mouse.
No that wasn't 1850 or even 1950.
Try well in to the 1960's seeping in to the 70's.
And, as I said before it only ended because of federal intervention.
Federal law however can't change attitudes and traditions .
I'd suggest you go see the movie Selma to get an up close view of your good ole boys in action.

Aside from football, in my view, sadly, the majority of southern whites retain those same attitudes.
Hence my characterization of hypocrisy and false arrogance.

Football is not a way of life here, it's simply part of life.
Living your life through a football team or football conference strikes me as pretty sad and empty.

As I said you and I will continue to agree to disagree.
You're not going to change my mind and I'm really not very interested in trying to change yours.

Have fun high fiving your kindred narrow minded souls.

Thank you Edgy for the ignore button.
Originally posted by Gaelman:
Never been south of the Mason-Dixon line?
Apparently if you have you've done so with blinders on.
I've been there done that.
I've seen segregation up close and personal.
Separate water fountains, washrooms, no service at lunch counters etc etc.
You dismiss that with a click of your mouse.
No that wasn't 1850 or even 1950.
Try well in to the 1960's seeping in to the 70's.

Who is arguing that it didn't happen or dismissing it? That is not what is in question. Again, we are talking about 50 years ago. Where do you see it now? We are talking about and living in the present. You are going to show hatred for people of today because of what happened a half century ago and before? Like I said, most of those people from back then are dead and you need to look ahead. You need to stop living in the past.

I am not trying to turn a blind eye on what happened or pretend it didn't happen. But when, if ever, do we get to the point where we say OK, it is in the past and we need to move on? Do you honestly think racism or bigotry are ever going to end in this country? I challenge anyone on this board reading this to give me a town, any town in any corner of this country that is racism free. Name the town. North, south, east, west. Name the town.

The fact is, racism and bigotry aren't going to end as long as we have people who profit off of racism and I can certainly think of some who do. The race hustlers. I don't need to name them, we all know who we are. They don't want racism to end because they would be out of a job. They want to make sure to keep the pot stirred. That is worse than the racism itself. And the majority of those people happen to be in the north.

Football is not a way of life here, it's simply part of life.
Living your life through a football team or football conference strikes me as pretty sad and empty

I have news for you. There are people right here in this board who believe football is a way of life. Then by your standards their lives are empty. There are a lot of people everywhere who believe football is a way of life, just like there are a lot of people in Canada who believe hockey is a way of life. If you don't that's your business. But since they don't agree with you, you show your narrow mind and say their lives are empty. You are the person who is empty.

Finally, look where this thread has gone because of people like you. We aren't even talking about football are we?
LP Coach,
Job well done. Those are great accomplishments and it takes a special person to Impact men for over 30 years. Unfortunately it seems you missed my point but that is understandable. The key is your views are that of Lake Park and you are not accepting that it's different strokes for different folks. Example being in half the time I have witnessed double the NFL number with several going D1. I have also witness a person making it to the NFL and as soon as he became a starter he Died. The best thing about it to me was he fulfilled his dream before he left the earth. Not sure how I would feel if my advice was to stay in school and he never got to fulfill his dream. There is also another reality in that I have had several graduate from college who are now police officers or State Troopers. Very different from the degrees career path as there were no jobs. Some are now teachers after going back to school to become certified. On the other hand there are kids that are now Engineers and lawyers after graduation. Some attending Big 10 schools and some attended SEC schools. My point is America is designed to have options. You and others want me to speak against an option solely based on the odds are against them. Again you and others are not being flexible and speak as if your world should be everyone else's. One group of kids maybe smart enough to go to Northwestern. Another group did just enough to get into school. Those kids realities are different. Their futures are different. I can't and will not advise or force them to have the same exact goals that I want for them. My advise is always pursue your dreams and understand what it takes to make it. As long as your are happy in life, I am happy for you.

By the way coach, in your example at 100k graduates that's 2 mil over 20 years which mean 700k had to seek other employment. Unlike sports or the NFL, working careers last a lot longer which mean people are holding jobs or position for 20 plus years. It's a shortage right now whether you want to face that reality or not.

Nice chatting with you sir as I apprciate everyone's point of view.
Originally posted by epicbret:
Originally posted by epicbret:
So how did you become an SEC fan? Also, who is your "team" in the SEC?
Originally posted by epicbret:
So how did you become an SEC fan? Also, who is your "team" in the SEC?
Originally posted by epicbret:
So how did you become an SEC fan? Also, who is your "team" in the SEC?
Originally posted by epicbret:
So how did you become an SEC fan? Also, who is your "team" in the SEC?
Originally posted by epicbret:
So how did you become an SEC fan? Also, who is your "team" in the SEC?
Dr, see above
Well when you make NFL money, you also pay NFL taxes and live an NFL lifestyle. More live check to check than actually save money.
I understand all the issues with NFL. I don't understand why people speak against it. To me it's like saying the odds of winning a state championship is 8 out of 500 plus. Show we say based on the odds, lets not get our hopes up? Again not sure how people speak diversity but as most topics indicate, there is really only one way to think. Conservative.

I have no problem with aspiring to a goal of playing in the NFL, In fact I say embrace the possibility! While embracing the ideal of achieving that chance to make the NFL draft and then avoid cut day and being on roster day one of the season, also prepare yourself for the inevitable day football stops. My point is not to repress the player from trying to get to the NFL, but rather have him prepare for both The NFL and life after football! Life is all about balance not being liberal or conservative!