Indiana State association back on July 1st
See these numbers updated from yesterday as example of too extreme measures as taken elsewhere, also. See Dane County (Madison) whose local county government decided this week to extended restrictions all the way until 7/15 given but 16 total deaths so far out of some 550,000 people. Check La Crosse County (almost 120,000 population) on the western WI border - only 32 total reported cases and 0 deaths to date.
Yes with the great Georgia data coming in after being the first to open 15 days ago, hopefully local journalists will ask good, hard questions to these state administrators. I hope to see someone ask J.B. if the Georgia numbers have him rethinking his 5 phase requirements. And if his answer is “well we’ll see how Georgia is doing in 2 weeks”, say ok, I’ll ask you in two weeks and if the numbers remain flattened, will you be big enough to admit that your initial plan will be modified”.

Also, new CDC numbers. Good news there also. The great news is influenza which kills 25k to 90k a year has only caused 6k deaths.