We have a decent system in place already but it doesn't sound like you like the results since too many Catholic's win. There are a handful of catholic schools that win a lot and handful of publics that have win a lot, like in most sports.In there district you are absolutely correct. The youth programs are in there district yes they will talk to those kids. They will most likely attend their school. A handful will go private for various reasons. I understand the private recruiting and the need to bring in kids. I also understand when coaches from private schools attend these youth games they are recruiting them to come play for them. It’s totally legal and I have no problem with it. You can look at my posts and I don’t whine about losing to a private. It happens and the next year maybe not. The issue at hand is trying to come up with a system that allows both Privates and publics to be competitive and fair.
Most of the the other schools private or public are never gonna win anything no matter how much tinkering is done. Success isn't fair, so the next best thing is to be given a chance. A chance that everyone has at the start of a football season.